Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Still More Memorable Quotes

Sometimes the best preaching is the kind where all I jot down is quotes straight from scripture because there's not much "filler". That was the kind of message Paul Sr. preached Sunday morning. I've got about two whole pages of scripture and no fluffy stuff and nothing I don't know where to find in the Bible. But since the title of this post is quotes . . . .

Sunday night my brother from Brazil, Robson (pronounced Hobson) preached on Galatians 6:17.

"The marks -- Scars always tell a story."

"What do you think about a person who would suffer so much for you?"

"The marks and scars we have will one day disappear. The only one left who will have marks on his body in eternity is Jesus."

"Jesus has the marks of love. It's a love that is eternal."

More from Jonathan:

"The Word became flesh . . . The world needs the word inside us to become flesh. They need to see the word lived out in our lives."

"We need to expand our vision and see this world as God sees it."

I think it was Rand who quoted this:

Some men die in battle;
Some die in flames;
But most die little by little
Playing silly games.

Phillip Pritchard had this to say:

"Some people think that missions began with the Great Commission, but it began with the fall of man."

"We must realize that, just as with Abraham, God blesses us so that we can be a blessing."


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