Sunday, July 22, 2007

What's up Doc?

Still not a whole lot. We did have some fun with the neighbors' corn while they were on vacation by putting some ears we had bought at the grocery store on sticks so they would think they already had corn on the stalks. Fun, fun, fun. :)

I've been evaluating Nancy Guthrie's new book, Hoping for Something Better: Refusing to Settle for Life as Usual, to see what kind of potential it has for a ladies Bible study either at home or at the church. I'm thrilled with what she has put together. Hebrews has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible for a couple of reasons - 1) chapter 12 literally saved my Christian life at a time when I was wondering if I would ever make it past first base, and 2) it's been the book that most consistently raises my spirit right up into the throne room of heaven. I can point out verses in just about every chapter that have lifted my soul right out of my skin and into the very presence of God, and I like that. Nancy seems to have found all my favorites and then some.

So I'm in that in-between time where one major step is finished (for now - I sure hope that wasn't the only time I'll ever be directly involved in foreign missions!), and I'm actively praying and preparing and starting to plan for the next step.


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