Monday, July 21, 2008

30 What?

I thought that needing to do some maintenance around the house this summer was going to put me out of commission as far as this week's VBS is concerned. But as it turns out, I may actually have a more important role than ever. Here's how the conversation went:

B: I want you to know I'll be praying for you while I'm painting my porch this week.

(A little explanation about why the porch hasn't been attended to in the 5 years since we've lived here.)

K: This year I'm really feeling impressed to pray for 30.

B: (I know what he's referring to but . . . ) 30 what?

K: (Suddenly thoughtful . . .) I hadn't thought about 30 what . . . 30 decisions?

B: I tell you what I'll be praying for this week - 30 followers.

K: 30 followers?

B: Yes, 30 kids who will follow Christ from this day forward.

K: 30 followers it is! Shake on it. (handshake)

B: "If two of you shall agree on earth about anything, it shall be done for them."

K: Just between the two of us . . .

B: No, between the 3 of us. (pointing up)

B: Manual labor makes for some awfully good prayer time. :)

So the drive home was interesting. It's not like this is something either one of us are likely to see visible results in right away, but I almost feel a sense of finality . . . like it's already a done deal as far as heaven is concerned. Very interesting sensation. I can't wait to get out and do some painting.


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