Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Time for a new notebook

But before I pitch this one, here are a few notes I jotted down in passing as I filled it up:

- From a sermon of John McArthur sometime in April(?):
- Identifying with the church is an obedience issue. There was never any assumption that some Christian would be floating around all by himself.
- It's the biblical pattern. What we have today is not biblical
- It may be a sin issue - there are things in your life you don't want exposed.
- It's a fellowship issue - we have entered into the fellowship of God's Son. It's wrong not to be part of this fellowship.
- It's an authority issue - from the Word of God - but you need to come under that authority. You need to appreciate those who rule.
- An identity issue.
- An issue of loyalty - we're God's family, and we need to be loyal.
- A service issue - Spiritual gifts are ministered in the church.
- It's a witness issue - What do people in the world think Christians are?
- How committed can we be to Christ if we're not even committed to being a part of his church?

A list of songs on my computer - I think I was looking for a song to use as background music for the Kenya video here. Obviously, none of these made the cut that day, but they may in the future. Some have made it onto my blog in videos put together by others. If so, they'll be linked, as well:

- Babbie Mason "Each One Reach One" and "I Will Be The One"
- Chris Rice - "Go Light Your World", "Life Means So Much", "Untitled Hymn" and "The Face of Christ."
- I've got "There is a Balm in Gilead" on this little list twice - Once by Don Marsh and once by Simplicity.
- Jack Jezzro shows up with "I Love to Tell The Story" and "There is a Fountain."
- John Doan with "Farewell"
- REALLY NEAT song by Lianna Klassen called "The Voice"
- Rick Foster (top notch guitarist) with "Hymn Triumphant"
- Robin Mark and "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story"
- Simple Gifts of the Northwest with "Holy Manna", "I Hear the Voice of Jesus", "Morning Trumpet", "Next Year in Jerusalem", and "Precious Jewels"
- Steven Smith with "A Wedding Gift", "As Quick As You Please", Now, Oh Now, I Must Needs Part", "Sabbath Medly", and "Shady Grove" (all instrumentals)
- Wes King - "Who But God" (I REALLY like this one)
- The Crossing - "Lift Up Your Eyes"
- Really, really neat song by Shira Kammen called "Wild Mountain Thyme"

Research notes for my two major purchases in the last few months - 1) my cell phone, and 2) the external flash I just got for my camera.

Several calculations to make sure I was actually going to have enough vacation time accrued for the recent trip to Africa (I did with less than an hour to spare - Good thing I didn't need to take any time off for that gallbladder surgery in January!).

Some notes on updated files that I needed to upload to the Good Shepherd Baptist Missions web site.

A shopping list - pop, coffee, hot dogs, pork loin combo pack, tomatoes, large eggs, frozen pizza, deodorant, milk, cereal, bread, 40-watt light bulb, mayo, butter, parmesan cheese, crackers, cake mix, peanut butter, shampoo, draino, mints, soap, noxema.

Another tidbit from John McArthur - I forget exactly what "category" of people he was speaking about, and he was talking way faster than I was writing, but he was talking about people who would rather:
- be holy than happy;
- see the honor of God advanced than . . .
- carry their cross than . . .
- see people from God's perspective than . . .
- die right than live wrong . . .
- see others advance at their own expense than . . .
- make eternity judgments than time judgments.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

What's up Doc?

Still not a whole lot. We did have some fun with the neighbors' corn while they were on vacation by putting some ears we had bought at the grocery store on sticks so they would think they already had corn on the stalks. Fun, fun, fun. :)

I've been evaluating Nancy Guthrie's new book, Hoping for Something Better: Refusing to Settle for Life as Usual, to see what kind of potential it has for a ladies Bible study either at home or at the church. I'm thrilled with what she has put together. Hebrews has always been one of my favorite books of the Bible for a couple of reasons - 1) chapter 12 literally saved my Christian life at a time when I was wondering if I would ever make it past first base, and 2) it's been the book that most consistently raises my spirit right up into the throne room of heaven. I can point out verses in just about every chapter that have lifted my soul right out of my skin and into the very presence of God, and I like that. Nancy seems to have found all my favorites and then some.

So I'm in that in-between time where one major step is finished (for now - I sure hope that wasn't the only time I'll ever be directly involved in foreign missions!), and I'm actively praying and preparing and starting to plan for the next step.

Friday, July 20, 2007

What Nonsense

From now on, any trees should be decorated in such a way that they don't appear to be Christmas trees.

Whatever advisory panel came up with that one has my kudos for taking the level of intolerant tolerance in this country to new heights of idiocy. If they knew a little more about the history of the Christmas tree, they might think twice about whether it's a Christian symbol. But to say, "Go ahead and put up your tree, but don't make it look like what it is," is just lame.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Words of Wisdom

Today's Word of Wisdom:

Don't inhale the mouthwash!

Sorry, but things have been a little slow since getting back home. I have a wedding to do pictures for tomorrow, and I'm waiting for a book I ordered that looks like it might make an interesting Bible study to do at home with some ladies in the neighborhood. I really did inhale some mouthwash this morning, though, and it was not a pleasant experience. Talk about the red eye express!

Aubrey called, though, and she passed her National Registry exam, so she's officially a paramedic. Hip, hip, hooray! Congrats kiddo!