Friday, November 30, 2007

Meet Spunkmeyer

Say hello to the newest member of the family. I knew this was coming the day my husband came home a couple of months ago and said, "I want a parrot." Well, the day has arrived. Spunkmeyer is 3 months old today, so say "happy birthday, Spunkmeyer" too.

After the month of new . . . .

. . . I've been taking a trip in the way back machine.

I took this picture immediately after registering for class for spring quarter 2008 - 15 years after I last saw this place. Don't know yet whether I'll have 1 class left to finish my degree or more than that, but I should be finding out next week. The committee met today to decide that one. Thanks to a friend who found out how close I got to graduating and didn't just say, "Oh, that's too bad."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Refreshments Anyone?

And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. --1 Corinthians 6:11

I do not know all of the Savior's reasons for choosing the woman at the well. I know that His revelation of Himself to her constituted an everlasting rebuke to human self-righteousness. I know that every smug woman who walks down the street in pride and status ought to be ashamed of herself. I know that every self-righteous man who looks into his mirror each morning to shave what he believes to be an honest face ought to be ashamed of himself....

Jesus was able to see potential in the woman at the well that we could never have sensed. What a gracious thing for us that Jesus Christ never thinks about what we have been! He always thinks about what we are going to be. You and I are slaves to time and space and records and reputations and publicity and the past-all that we call the case history. Jesus Christ cares absolutely nothing about anyone's moral case history. He forgives it and starts from there as though the person had been born one minute before.
(A. W. Tozer)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

What's in a Nickname?

On the occasion of my new nickname, generously provided by Mr. Jonathan Quinn, it seemed appropriate to discuss the one nickname that has yet to be discussed on this blog - namely Bullwinkl. Yes, this is after the famous moose of Rocky and Bullwinkle fame. If I tell you that this cartoon was one of my favorites, you'll have a good handle on how old I am.

I had always thought that Bullwinkle was the nickname my dad picked out for me, but when I asked him about it recently he said, no - I was the one who insisted that he call me Bullwinkle. When I first started using the name again for my Internet presence several years ago, I mistakenly left off the "e", and it stuck. I'm now forever and always "Bullwinkl - no e."

Of course, mooses (or is it meese?) have minds of their own, and Bullwinkl has seen several transformations. First there was the original Bullwinkl icon.

Then, there was Mrs. Moose, and Mrs. Moose was on the loose.

This past summer Mrs. Moose crossed over to the dark side and became Mrs. Outlaw Moose - complete with black coat and hat, and six-shooter rubber band gun. Even my next door neighbor kid had a tough time figuring out who Mrs. Outlaw Moose really was. Fun fun fun. :)

Now, I'm "the blog queen", thanks to Jonathan. I think I like mooses better. Never did feel really comfortable in too much finery.

Now you know the story behind the longest lasting of all my nicknames and all the variations on the theme. Don't you feel enlightened?