Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Month of New . . .

Not everything is new this month, but enough is for me to notice. I have a new lens for my camera. Beautiful portrait lens. I've been waiting a couple of years to be able to afford some nice glass for this camera, and this piece certainly fits the bill.

Other new things are a new job and a new ministry. A new design for one of my websites. And down below a new brother from Togo. Now on to some more familiar territory . . .

One of my husband's toys . . .

An interesting shot of a butterfly. I forgot I had manually set the shutter speed, but this was interesting.

And my first shot of a bald eagle.

Nice visit with the folks and the kiddo.

One day while mom and dad were here, we went to Train-O-Rama. You can see the little boy in heaven look in my dad's eyes as he watches all the trains go round and round.

I wish this would have had more of a National Geographic quality about it, but this is shot number 10,000 from my Canon Digital Rebel XT.

After the trains, it was the lighthouse.

Labor Day weekend . . .

Hanging out with the grandkids . . .

And new and old friends at Pastor's Training School . . .

I can't wait to see what God has in store for the coming month.